3A Loose Coil
1. Shaped Like an “S”
2. Very loose curl
3. Hair is defined
4. Low frizz
5. Low Density
6. High Luster
7. 20% or less Shrinkage
8. Less Prone to Dryness

3B Springy Coil
1. Spiraled curls
2. Loose but Tighter than 3A
3. Hair is Defined
4. Low frizz
5. Moderately Dense
6. Moderate luster
7. 30% or less Shrinkage
8. Less prone to Dryness

3C Curly Coil
1. Corkscrew shape
2. Tightest curl shape of the Three
3. Hair is Defined
4. Frizzy
5. High density
6. Moderate Luster
7. 30% or less Shrinkage
8. More Prone to dryness.

4A Perfect Coil
1. Tight “S” Shape
2. Perfect coil shape
3. Moderate Definition
4. Frizzy
5. High Density
6. Moderate Luster
7. 50 % or more shrinkage
8. Naturally Dry

4B Crimpy Coil
1. Tightly compact crimps
2. Crimp shape
3. Low definition
4. Frizzy
5. High Density
6. Low Luster
7. 50 % or more shrinkage
8. Naturally Dry

4C Zig-Zag Coil
1. Coil is shaped similar to a zig zag
2. Tightly compact zig zag curls
3. Minimal definition
4. Frizzy
5. High Density
6. Low luster
7. 60 % or more Shrinkage
8. Naturally Dry